How To Treat Red Wasp Stings

Family time is a great way to spend time hunting, camping, fishing, hiking, among others.

However, it is always good to be aware of the risks of red wasp stings when involving in outdoor activities.

I am 45 years old, married with kids, being the head of the family, and paranoid about many things in the world, and I prepare for anything to protect my family.

I dedicate this blog post to a friend who wants to learn how to treat red wasp sting from a personal experience.

I went hunting with my kids and my lastborn was stung by a wasp and needed treatment.

Wasps are frequent insects but have the worst stings.

Unlike bees without dying, they can sting severally; if you fail to treat the stings in time, it can lead to death from poisoning.

Here is a simple guide on how to treat red wasp sting.

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1. Cleaning the sting area

Wash the area with soap and water to remove germs and venom.

Washing the sting area helps to relieve pain and swelling.

2. Apply an ice pack to the wound

Cover ice cubes in a piece of light cloth and apply the cold pack on the sting area for about forty minutes with an interval of six to ten minutes on and off.

You will help to reduce excess swelling and pain of the red wasp sting.

3. Give Anti-inflammatory medicine

If the swelling is persistent, give the patient anti-inflammatory medication to help reduce the swelling.

One of the inflammatory medicines is ibuprofen that releases pain from the red wasp sting and lowers the swelling on the sting place.

4 .Offer Antihistamine

Red wasps cause itchiness at the sting site and the surrounding area of the skin, depending on how fast the venom spread.

You can reduce itchiness and pain by taking an antihistamine. Another option is applying calamine cream around the swollen site to lower the swelling and kill wasp sting pain.

5. Cover the sting site

After you administer the correct medication, cover the wasp sting site to avoid germs and other harmful particles from getting into the wound.

Use a clean piece of clothing or bandage to protect the area.

Also, do not tighten the bandage around the wound to allow the air to circulate for quick healing.

When do you see the doctor?

If after treating it you or the patient still experiences severe and persistent pain and swelling for more days after treatment, then you should probably see a medical professional.

Other symptoms to watch for are; nausea, excessive sweating, dizziness and tickling or itchiness on the wound.

Treating Red Wasp Stings

Red wasp stings are harmful insects, and it is important for you to be aware of wasp stings and how to treat the sting.

You may not know when they attack to avoid them but have basic knowledge of handling the sting.

This blog post explains easy steps to follow to treat wasp sting….

  • Washing the wound
  • Applying ice cubes
  • Anti-inflammatory medication
  • Give antihistamine
  • Bandage the wound
  • Visit a doctor for severe cases